2016-08-07 - RCT with Barry


~5.0 miles @ ~13.5 min/mi

"You don't have to run marathons to be healthy," Barry's doctor tells him on Friday. So yesterday he only does a half-marathon! We laugh as we run along Rock Creek Trail, comparing notes on our various old-guy ailments — vertigo, double vision, joint and tendon twinges, and less-mentionable issues — hypothesizing that if we only upped our mileage a bit we would be cured. Ha!

"Tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat!" echo footfalls from my new shoes within the tunnel under KenGar's railroad tracks. Pokémon abound in the woods, and Barry is tolerant of my attempts to catch them. Rebecca zooms ahead with fast friends. The air is refreshingly cool and low-humidity, in contrast to past (and future) summer mornings.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2016-08-30